Familiar with the saying "time heals all wounds"? what does this even mean? It could mean so many different things. If you aren't one to hold grudges, yes time can heal or else we are looking at waiting around for a whole decade for you. Time can heal a realtionship by helping you get over someone and move on or it can make two people realize how much they mean to the other person. Many people make mistakes it's a part of living your life. Very cliche, but you really don't learn unless you make mistakes. I'm deffinitely one who practices this. This past year, I made some rather large mistakes. I'm only human, or more so I'm only being a normal teenager.
There are a few things I wish I could change about myself in a matter of a few days. 1) I wish I could think before I speak and not blow up at my parents the way I do when we disagree or they jump to conclusions. Exhibit A: this morning my mom was in the attic and she found a box of boots she had purchased for me a few weeks ago. When I picked out these boots I thought they were a Christmas present and she was going to give them to me Christmas morning. I was sadly mistaken? She called me unappreciative and a very angry person. I admit lately I have been a rather angry person. My boyfriend broke up with me Octover 6th, 2010. And well I ahvm't really been the same since. It's hard loosing a best friend like that, especially when you don't talk hardly at all. I'm giving him his space though, I'm "letting him go" and if he does come back, then it was meant to be. Wow my apologies for that side rant I just had. 2) I wish I could change my eating disorder and fill that void with someone else very productive. I'm working on it and God is here to help me through this.
On a happier note, Christmas is TOMORROW! This year is flying, and soon enough it will be spring and then I can kiss my sophmore year goodbye. But goodbye for now, I'll probably blog later on tonight after church at midnight. Love you all
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